A delicately crafted link bracelet was soon joined by a bracelet forged to look like a wreath of lilies and one of several strands of gold with emeralds woven into it.
Twenty-nine golden petals are attached to a leather strip, representing a wreath .
The King had commissioned a gold wreath that he wished to consecrate to the gods.
The cemetery of over 6,000 war dead contains a tomb where a giant wreath of gold and silver leaves rests.
Tattooed on his hand was a braided vine, shaped in a circle, like a wreath .
The gold wreath symbolizes the unit's goal of continued excellence and achievement.
‘American National Red Cross Nurse’ was printed in gold letters on a cobalt blue background surrounded by a beautiful gold wreath .
Curve the ends around to make an oval loop, a circle wreath , or even bend it a bit to make a heart shape.
The young king's head began to ache, and he took of his crown, a delicate woven wreath of gold.
Olof just grinned but JB, from behind a wreath of cigarette smoke, turned round with an encouraging glance.