Before they know it, they're caught in the undertow .
Sometimes he tells himself he's not going to follow them, but the current is too strong, the undertow too fierce.
There will be no big themes, no gripping emotional undertow , no feeling of the pain.
Unhappily for your daughter, she is in the undertow of abuse, loss, and possibly guilt.
There are some rapids downstream, and one of the kayakers seems to get caught in the undertow for a few minutes.
It was far away, almost out of sight, and the undertow threatened to pull her down at any moment.
It would be quite possible for the shallow boat, affected only by the top current, to be swept away by a ‘huge mass’ being dragged along by the undertow .
He swam across the river easily, even though the undertow beneath could be fatal to someone who was not a strong swimmer.
Amid the laughter, the melodrama and hysteria, this is a play with a terrible, almost frightening undertow of sadness and helplessness.
And, as each wave retreats, there is a vicious undertow .