sparkle - transcription, translation and pronunciation online

Transcription and pronunciation of the word "sparkle" in British and American variants. Detailed translation and examples.

a glittering flash of light.
there was a sparkle in his eyes
vivacity and wit.
she's got a kind of sparkle
shine brightly with flashes of light.
her earrings sparkled as she turned her head
be vivacious and witty.
after a glass of wine, she began to sparkle
she's got a kind of sparkle
she's got a kind of sparkle
His cricket and his personality were marked by charm and sparkle .
after a glass of wine, she began to sparkle
The publishing industry needs awards to bring sparkle and a sense of celebrity into writing.
She was tiny, pretty, and vivacious, her sparkle compensating for a lack of education.
after a glass of wine, she began to sparkle
there was a sparkle in his eyes
there was a sparkle in his eyes
The entire performance was imbued with sparkle and élan.