schematic - transcription, translation and pronunciation online

Transcription and pronunciation of the word "schematic" in British and American variants. Detailed translation and examples.

(of a diagram or other representation) symbolic and simplified.
The designs are quite schematic , even crude in their style of representation, and it is not always easy to decipher them.
(in technical contexts) a schematic diagram, in particular of an electric or electronic circuit.
He was working on deciphering ancient schematics and technical schematics .
Thus the degree of formality or informality, in a schematic sense, moves in a continuum (rather than constituting a discrete characteristic of the community).
What my schematic reading of his memoir fails to indicate adequately is the beautiful luminosity of his descriptive writing.
This substantial conception of an object - the conception of a kind of object having a certain nature - can be contrasted with another kind of conception, which we could call the schematic idea of an object.
In comparison with the improvisations, they are, as one might expect, more controlled, schematic and coordinated.
Here is the first verse - this is just a schematic presentation of exactly the information provided by the musical notation above.
Using a schematic drawing or developing a conceptual framework is another strategy that may be used to facilitate reporting the findings.
In my judgment, it would require a very schematic reading of the Secretary of State's decisions to conclude that he had not considered all matters cumulatively in order to satisfy himself that there were not exceptional circumstances.
I don't want to suggest that your music is schematic , but I'm wondering if this reflects a compositional practice for you, the notion of setting up a situation of imbalance and composing out the asymmetry.
The Chinese government required that ground be broken after two months of schematic design, intensifying the need for speed and precision.
Thus, applications of the schematic principle are empirical even though the principle itself lacks empirical import.