As male territoriality is consistent with female defense polygyny , territorial males should be more likely to sire the entire litter of territorial dams sharing his territory.
Their breeding system is characterized as harem polygyny : one male mates with multiple females.
Although Muslim law allows polygyny (multiple wives), economic realities mean most Brahui marriages are monogamous.
The Malinke practice polygyny (multiple wives), and Islam permits men to take up to four wives.
Second, not all males pair strictly with one female in monogamous species, and low levels of polygyny or males that remain unmated in the population will also increase the variance in male reproductive success.
For instance, in the practice of polygyny , each wife is typically allotted her own house, most often within the same compound as the other wives but sometimes elsewhere.
The female-biased sex ratio was associated with a higher level of polygyny and higher male mating and reproductive success in the secondary forest.
In the absence of inbreeding, the most extreme value of coancestry is achieved by male polygyny together with female philopatry.
The system of polygyny (multiple wives) guaranteed that all people married.
Although most Hmong men had one wife, polygyny , or marriage with several women, was an accepted practice.