There was a bit of a kerfuffle because he couldn't find his ticket before he got on the plane.
There was a big kerfuffle when VoIP services first launched as to whether they should be regulated like traditional telcos.
I think all of the controversy and the congressional kerfuffle about this actually strengthens Mr. Bolton.
Regular readers may remember the kerfuffle over the redesignation of speed cameras as ‘safety’ cameras.
In fact, it was another 24 hours before they realised what an international kerfuffle the incident had caused, as the reaction around them in Bali itself was as if nothing much had happened.
there was a kerfuffle over the chairmanship
It's all part of our ability in this country to get into a kerfuffle over the philosophies of ‘living to work’ and ‘working to live’.
I can't think of any show I've ever been involved in that had such a kerfuffle around it.
The resultant kerfuffle almost overshadowed the fact that they'd released a belter of an album.
It caused a diplomatic kerfuffle so he can't have forgotten about it.