The situation is quite inequitable and causes Legal Aid to be yet another depressed and disappearing public service, only missed when gone or very hard to find.
It's Hubbard's contention that eight nations are running the world in a shambolic, criminally inequitable way.
EU nationals are among those not currently asked to declare criminal convictions, leaving the system open to complaints that it is inequitable .
He says the tax system is both inequitable and inefficient.
What we get instead is an inequitable health system and the widening of the class divide.
This unit will also act as a central point to collect information to challenge unfair, inequitable and unjust practices.
Ibec also points out that rates are applied in an inequitable manner, as only commercial enterprises are charged.
What specific elections have had inequitable results, and what is it about the way these elections are conducted that has gone wrong?
When there is inequitable treatment, you get riots.
Many ‘developing’ economies are either not developing at all or are becoming ever more inequitable .