guildhall - transcription, translation and pronunciation online

Transcription and pronunciation of the word "guildhall" in British and American variants. Detailed translation and examples.

a building used as the meeting place of a guild or corporation.
Ghent is much more of a living city, bustling and noisy, its waterways lined with fine merchants' houses, guildhalls and churches built through medieval wool wealth and later prosperity from grain trading.
As they entered the guildhall , he saw the guild master standing over the altar and turning the pages of an old, dusty book very quickly.
Another guildhall , the Wool Hall, built for St Mary's Guild, is incorporated in the Swan Hotel.
Four men were ‘elected’ - in fact, nominated by the mayor in open guildhall for community consent - to assess the fines on offenders.
His rise to prominence as alderman of Billingsgate ward and of the German guildhall in London is a story worth telling, and the author does an admirable job of weaving together its various strands.
The move to use Windsor guildhall also met with problems when it emerged that, under the rules governing civil marriages, members of the public must be allowed to attend.
He heard the door of the guildhall slam open, and a crowd emerged.
From 1709 until the early nineteenth century the Goldsmiths' Company had their guildhall in Werburgh Street, close to Dublin Castle.
By the Middle Ages, no cathedral, guildhall or town hall was complete without a virtual battalion of these charmingly grotesque little guys.
He ran down the alleyways and before long had returned to the guildhall .
In a typical passage, the German guildhall is described as a place where one might find ‘efficiency, competent information and logical ways forward.’