There was a helpless entreaty in his voice, as though he were afraid that she might see him and retrace her steps.
Only after their entreaty failed did they arrest him.
Early last year I made an entreaty for the digitization of several great LPs, mostly from the 80s, that still hadn't made it to CD for whatever reason.
What is important is that we hold a conscious intention for the wellbeing of another, whether it's an entreaty to God or a loving feeling.
His entreaty is hard to swallow, given the biographical kernels in all of his plays, but easy to take, given the unguarded, imploring nature of his gaze.
Education, of all kinds, is a personal entreaty .
Shall we resort to entreaty and humble supplication?
And she mostly steadfastly ignores my shouted commands, my entreaties and panting demands to be set free when the siren songs call me again.
The initial July 1999 request yielded 68 contracts; an assortment of entreaties has the number up to 249 responses.
He was steadfast in his devotion, firm in his beliefs, and constant in his prayerful entreaties .