Although still only a junior, she was dynamic and powerful, with routines of outstanding difficulty on all four events.
A common problem for sites using databases concerns dynamic urls.
Even better is the sound, a dynamic , active Dolby Digital 5.1 surround.
The core dynamic in each of these cases was hypothesized to be rebelliousness and a protest against overbearing parents.
She said: ‘She was full of ideas, very dynamic , a great leader and with it all she had a very real sense of humility.’
This is a method for manufacturing dynamic random access memory capable of increasing the storage capacity of the capacitor.
To allow for more interactivity, the concept of dynamic pages was added.
If the family dynamic does not cause Tracy's downfall, it certainly presents no obstacle.
Fassel can't seem to find the fight mix, but when he is on, he is dynamic .
Web page content on pages that ads are served should be static not dynamic .