deposition - transcription, translation and pronunciation online

Transcription and pronunciation of the word "deposition" in British and American variants. Detailed translation and examples.

the action of deposing someone, especially a monarch.
Edward V's deposition
the process of giving sworn evidence.
the deposition of four expert witnesses
a formal, usually written, statement to be used as evidence.
A deposition is sworn testimony taken in an informal setting (no judge or jury) before trial as part of the prediscovery process.
the action of depositing something.
pebbles formed by the deposition of calcium in solution
the taking down of the body of Jesus Christ from the Cross.
The Pietà is the title given to the representation of the Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalene and St. John lamenting over the dead Christ after the Deposition and before the Entombment.
They are using solution methods such chemical bath deposition to deposit films of semiconductor materials.
Stratford later supported Edward II's deposition in Edward III's favour.
We will take her testimony under oath in a deposition and they'll probably take Michael's deposition and in a few months we'll go to trial.
In a state of the art review article, Chan and colleagues discuss calcium deposition with or without bone formation in the lung.
They also agreed that it was impossible to estimate how much deposition would have occurred as a result of this and to what extent this would have influenced the vessel's ability to discharge the full cargo.
The rebels fought the emperor until his deposition in 1974.
the deposition of four expert witnesses
Weight gain in pregnancy includes such things as fluid retention, fat deposition , fetal size, potential for excess fluid around the baby.
On his deposition Prince Carol Hohenzollen-Sigmaringen was elected.
The evidence for extremely fast deposition of carbonate caps is excellent in some areas.