Should you be able to communicate in Thai (my wife is Thai) you will find the quality of advice deplorable .
Housing conditions are frequently deplorable , overcrowded, and substandard.
During the past two days, residents have been setting fires on the streets to highlight deplorable living conditions.
Meanwhile, a source close to the investigation told the newspaper the girl and her family are living in deplorable conditions.
He said that the minister had himself once visited the center and seen the deplorable condition of the road but no action had been taken even then.
I write on behalf of a number of Joseph Rowntree pupils - all of whom have received deplorable service from the bus service over recent weeks.
An official, who requested anonymity, said the school was closed one week earlier last term because of the deplorable conditions.
They fail to realize that elderly people, when reduced to a deplorable state of solitude, have all the more need for someone to talk to and interact with.
One of the main reasons for the fall in theatre audience is due to the deplorable condition of the theatres.
Not to say that Russell isn't right when he laments the deplorable state of modern culture.