Hundreds of injuries, and some deaths, were linked to such devices as defective heart valves, faulty pacemakers, and substandard intrauterine devices.
Our service and post-sales support is designed to replace faulty or defective products, and to provide training for the proper operation and configuration of network hardware.
He didn't smoke, and he jogged and worked out and ate right, but he had a defective heart - the wrong number of valves or something.
These problems are associated with defective binocular vision and a comparable difficulty in locating sounds, due to abnormally-arranged nerve pathways from the eyes and inner ears to the brain.
The patient said that as a young man he had used the Bates method for improving defective vision.
Responses to GIP have been shown to be defective in type 2 diabetic patients.
I think I spent most of my childhood under the impression that I just wasn't trying hard enough, or that perhaps my vision was somehow defective .
Plato regarded the world of pure mathematical ideas as alone worthy of study; if physical objects did not conform to it, so much the worse for them, because they were defective and imperfect anyway.
We are talking about corporations which - thanks in part to their own defective strategic vision, in part to circumstances beyond their control - appear to have lost the plot.
Some buses examined by inspectors in the last year have been found to have defective steering, faulty brakes or even bald tyres.