dean - transcription, translation and pronunciation online

Transcription and pronunciation of the word "dean" in British and American variants. Detailed translation and examples.

the head of a college or university faculty or department.
the dean of the law school
the head of the chapter of a cathedral or collegiate church.
The statutes governing most English cathedrals give the dean and chapter together a considerable degree of independence from episcopal control.
One of the duties of the dean of Christ Church is to preach the annual Christmas sermon.
A few weeks later the postgraduate dean approved me for the flexible careers scheme.
The students enter a dean 's office far too casually, and throw themselves and their belongings about rather too imperiously.
Gordon Nelson, former dean of the faculty of environmental studies, is one of the principal founders of this initiative.
He is also an associate dean of the Medical University of South Carolina College of Medicine.
From 1984 to 1986, she was also part time dean of the medical faculty.
‘We're not out of the woods,’ says David Brower, 87, dean of America's modern environmental movement.
Here's a sample of such an argument from the dean of young-earth creationists, Duane Gish of the Institute for Creation Research.
the dean of California winemakers
In 1917, he was appointed dean of the college of letters at Beijing University.