But when he opened the book, the paper looked an even, suspiciously pale cream colour that was free of brown spots and stains.
The cream of world squash will be competing for a prize fund of $50,000 when they come to Manchester for the British Open championship in April.
Bring the milk and cream to the boil in a large saucepan and add the garlic, herbs and seasoning.
The cream of the ADF's golfers will be driving for low handicaps and straight putts at the ADF National Golf Championships.
Calendula petals can be used to make a nourishing skin cream or cleanser, and a strong infusion made from marigold petals can be used to lighten hair.
Most of the time it didn't have any actual meat anyway, it was mostly stuffing and cream of chicken soup.
a custard cream
Inside a long, high room, on mustard and black linens, sits a bowl of gently curried cream of carrot soup.
The cream of Britain's funniest writers came out in force for the presentation of the first Saga Award for Wit at this year's Folkestone Literary Festival.
They range in colour from white and cream to green