cox - transcription, translation and pronunciation online

Transcription and pronunciation of the word "cox" in British and American variants. Detailed translation and examples.

a coxswain, especially of a racing boat.
The Rowing Council are sponsoring three seminars educating coxes about the racing line on the Championship course.
act as a coxswain for (a racing boat or crew).
the winning eight was coxed by a woman
the enzyme cyclooxygenase, which is required for the formation of prostaglandins and is blocked by painkillers such as aspirin and ibuprofen.
In return the cox steered and motivated the crew.
The cox gave the sprint call earlier than planned to get away from the Chinese.
Aseer's team consisted of four oarsmen and a cox .
The cox 's shouts of ‘hold it up’ and ‘pull hard’ resonated clearly in my ears.
‘Our cox was spending most of her time bailing us out,’ said Susannah.
And Aitkin seems to be destined to be our cox , in a strange reversal of tradition.
France's cox goes in the drink after winning the lightweight eight.
Hodge's position in the eight-man crew was as stroke man, opposite the cox .
Of course, the whole problem could be avoided if the rowers would just keep their eyes on the cox .
The cox aims to use their rudder as little as possible.