cost - transcription, translation and pronunciation online

Transcription and pronunciation of the word "cost" in British and American variants. Detailed translation and examples.

an amount that has to be paid or spent to buy or obtain something.
we are able to cover the cost of the event
(of an object or an action) require the payment of (a specified sum of money) before it can be acquired or done.
each issue of the magazine costs $2.25
estimate the price of.
it is their job to plan and cost a media schedule for the campaign
I only hope that my newly achieved rights and freedoms will not be at the cost of someone else's.
it is their job to plan and cost a media schedule for the campaign
To wait until such a time as when you have complete understanding, at the cost of so many lives, is the failure of leadership.
Now that the industry is approaching its mature phase, prices can afford to rise to cover average total cost .
But in their own way they give him the best they can even at the cost of sacrificing things for themselves.
Sometimes, early success is achieved at the cost of a child's childhood.
Yet visual primacy is often at the cost of more effective aural forms of communication.
He was then seriously injured in a car accident that nearly cost him his leg.
how much did it cost to go to Derry?
There are too many things that cost and not enough stuff that doesn't cost you.