contradistinction - transcription, translation and pronunciation online

Transcription and pronunciation of the word "contradistinction" in British and American variants. Detailed translation and examples.

distinction made by contrasting the different qualities of two things.
the bacterium is termed “rough” in contradistinction to its ordinary smooth form
As a unique political society, self-defined in deliberate contradistinction to Europe and modern Britain, the United States has perennially baffled, perplexed, and annoyed Eurocentrists.
It is also the catalyst for an even more bloodcurdling event, in which we realize that David is not the paragon of stability that he sometimes seemed in contradistinction to Katia.
such a process is known as induction, in contradistinction to the deduction process
The social left had an opportunity to shape the narrative of this event, to show that social progress for women is a defining characteristic in American society, in contradistinction to the societies of the Taliban and Saudi Arabia.
the bacterium is termed “rough” in contradistinction to its ordinary smooth form
Searle's picture leaves open the possibility of free will, defined here in contradistinction to determinism.
In perfect contradistinction is the tangy, crunchy coleslaw.
So rapacious were some accountant trustees, in contradistinction to legal practitioner trustees, that bankruptcy trusteeships were referred to in parliament and in the press as ‘legalised robbery’.
Every day it advances and delineates the independent attitude of the international working class, in contradistinction to other social classes, to every major political development.
These fabulist authors have gone even further by establishing themselves as an ‘institution’ that is juxtaposing its narrative form in contradistinction to the common banal discourse of society.