contort - transcription, translation and pronunciation online

Transcription and pronunciation of the word "contort" in British and American variants. Detailed translation and examples.

twist or bend out of its normal shape.
a spasm of pain contorted his face
His little face would contort in pain every time he coughed or sneezed, and he was suffering quite badly.
Athletes contort and bend in unnatural positions.
He then proceeded to twist and contort his features into a splendidly ugly mask of itself.
Reed Richards acquires the power to contort into any shape he pleases.
Her face contorted with pain and shock as if she'd just walked into a lamp post.
Because the body is often contorted into new shapes, training is a particularly associated with picking up injuries.
They never did make any sense and were often contorted versions of a day at the orphanage.
Her face was contorted , twisted almost beyond recognition in agony.
His ideological contortions have twisted his internationalism beyond all recognition.
There was such a look of abject pain contorting her delicate features that he suddenly felt like an absolute scoundrel.