If mercury is found in local soil, it can contaminate the fish supply.
The poison could be used to contaminate food or water, which would achieve the aim of spreading panic, or left on door handles in busy buildings.
If not properly disposed of, these substances can contaminate ground water.
Groundwater will be polluted, which would contaminate drinking water.
Apparently parents emit poisonous substances which contaminate their kids in much the same way that humans pollute the environment.
Many types of viral and bacterial pathogens that grow in the gut of infected people may contaminate water and food.
But this should not be carried out on-farm because it can further contaminate the ground and infect other cattle.
Chemicals in everyday products such as good packaging and cosmetics contaminate our air, water and soil.
Many water systems are over-saturated with contaminants and carcinogens.
His team will carry out a comprehensive chemical analysis on all their samples later in the year to check for contaminants .