connate - transcription, translation and pronunciation online

Transcription and pronunciation of the word "connate" in British and American variants. Detailed translation and examples.

(especially of ideas or principles) existing in a person or thing from birth; innate.
are our ethical values connate?
(of parts) united so as to form a single part.
Five united stamens are adnate to the top of the pistil, which is made up of five connate carpels.
(of water) trapped in sedimentary rock during its deposition.
This water is thought to be associated with condensation from the ventilation system or connate water from the salt itself.
Five united stamens are adnate to the top of the pistil, which is made up of five connate carpels.
In addition, he determined that the Na / K ratios of the included fluids were low, suggesting that the minerals were deposited from hydrothermal solutions of meteoric rather than connate origin.
Autozooidal apertures are oval and aligned in raised, radial rows diverging from depressed maculae; they are sometimes connate but more usually separated from adjacent apertures.
Disk florets have a tubular corolla with five small radially symmetrical lobes and five connate anthers forming a cylinder around the style.
This water is thought to be associated with condensation from the ventilation system or connate water from the salt itself.
The origin of the vein-forming fluids - whether magmatic, meteoric, or connate - may also be determined from a study of the oxygen isotopes of the inclusions.
The fact that compassion is both voluntary and learned differentiates it from other kinds of suffering, which are involuntary and connate .
Sepals and petals are usually similar in form and free, but the lateral sepals may be connate to different degrees, forming a spur.
In young flowers all the carpels are connate at the base, and each mature mericarp represents a single carpel rather than half a carpel as is the case in Lamiaceae and Boraginaceae.