circus - transcription, translation and pronunciation online

Transcription and pronunciation of the word "circus" in British and American variants. Detailed translation and examples.

a traveling company of acrobats, trained animals, and clowns that gives performances, typically in a large tent, in a series of different places.
a circus elephant
(in place names) a rounded open space in a city where several streets converge.
Piccadilly Circus
a circus elephant
the Formula One circus
I wrote him a letter, and I apologized for the media circus , because I hadn't intended it.
the media circus didn't seem to bother him
it was a real circus!
It would be ridiculous to expect such a circus to settle major public issues.
Sheltered from reality in the public circus , these people seriously believed that their complicated jargon would be understood by the average shmuck on the street.
A travelling circus has been destroyed by last weekend's gusty weather just days after its opening night in Swindon.
the Formula One grand prix circus
His family had initially claimed it was not possible to hold a ceremony due to the media circus following their every movement.