chough - transcription, translation and pronunciation online

Transcription and pronunciation of the word "chough" in British and American variants. Detailed translation and examples.

a black Eurasian and North African bird of the crow family, with a down-curved bill and broad rounded wings, typically frequenting mountains and sea cliffs.
The sea stretches out before them and on a clear day, the shores of Ireland can be seen and brimming with wildlife it is not unusual to spot the rare chough , wild mountain goats or a seal in the sea nearby.
The sea stretches out before them and on a clear day, the shores of Ireland can be seen and brimming with wildlife it is not unusual to spot the rare chough , wild mountain goats or a seal in the sea nearby.
Stackpole is also home to the chough , a much rarer bird.
Now the sheer cliffs are inhabited by choughs , golden eagles, feral goats and basking seals.
The Dingle Peninsula has been highlighted as an international stronghold for an endangered Irish bird, the distinctive red-billed chough .
Along with barnacle geese and choughs , whisky is one of the principal magnets drawing visitors to this hugely rewarding island.