centralism - transcription, translation and pronunciation online

Transcription and pronunciation of the word "centralism" in British and American variants. Detailed translation and examples.

a system that centralizes, especially an administration.
They were opposed by a Conservative party, which supported royal absolutism and bureaucratic centralism .
It would be very foolish of those who control the painting, no matter how fragile its state, to allow it to become a symbol of Spanish centralism .
Instead, the ideologues of centralism are always trying to make local government independent of the state governments, the better to trample on regional differences.
It was this utter commitment to the film school and the film industry that cemented my loyalty to him even when, like so many of his supporters, I was shaken by his other policies, especially his centralism .
The conservatives staunchly supported it and espoused centralism versus federalism.
Despite all this it has long been the belief of EU apologists in Britain that if only we engaged ‘at the centre of Europe’ we would ‘win the argument’ and slow the drive to ever closer union and ever greater centralism .
But unity is different from uniformity and to have a central voice and central authority is different from centralism .
At this stage, the emphasis in any national or international organisation has to be on democracy and openness rather than on top-down centralism .
Consider that seminal and catastrophic event that inaugurated the era of mass politics, bureaucratic centralism , and the ideological state - the French Revolution.
‘Real evidence is growing that some of New Labour's trademark centralism is being replaced by a more open, more honest and more grown-up approach to politics’.
The challenge is to sustain democracy against centralism and all kinds of greed.