cardiac - transcription, translation and pronunciation online

Transcription and pronunciation of the word "cardiac" in British and American variants. Detailed translation and examples.

of or relating to the heart.
a cardiac arrest
of or relating to the part of the stomach nearest the esophagus.
‘Piles’ of the cardiac orifice of the stomach from obstruction to the portal system may produce hemoptysis.
a person with heart disease.
I'm finding all this talk of post-op cardiacs particularly relevant after my two months of cardiology call and this month in the NICU.
Proximal stomach tumors of the cardiac region have actually increased in incidence in recent years.
High output failure occurs when the cardiac output of the heart remains significantly elevated for a long period.
The mouth leads to the cardiac stomach, which is what the sea star everts to digest its prey.
‘Piles’ of the cardiac orifice of the stomach from obstruction to the portal system may produce hemoptysis.
Sea stars feed by extruding their cardiac stomach over their prey, thus predation begins at the pinacocytic layer.
In these patients, the heart rate, cardiac output, and blood pressure rise appropriately in response to exercise.
The cardiac exam revealed distant heart sounds without murmurs or gallops.
Patches of the mucous membrane of the upper part of the esophagus are frequently found whose structure resembles the cardiac part of the stomach.
cardiac surgery
When nurses went to his room, they found a ‘flat line’ on the cardiac monitor and no heart rate, the report said.