advert - transcription, translation and pronunciation online

Transcription and pronunciation of the word "advert" in British and American variants. Detailed translation and examples.

refer to in speaking or writing.
he had failed to advert to the consequences that his conduct was having
an advertisement.
Amid all the gloom and doom in the advertising industry giant adverts seem to be bucking the trend.
a television advert
The leaflets back a cinema advert being aired locally with the same message.
I was looking for the advertising costs so I can put in an advert for my new venture!
Cash raised will be used to plant and maintain the area where the advert is displayed.
he replied to a job advert
to place an advert in the paper
he had failed to advert to the consequences that his conduct was having
an advert for cheap flights
I put out an advert for an assistant
It seems, however, that it is not just the adverts that prey on young minds.