The new results include measurements of temperature and additive effects and kinetics modeling of the DPH curves.
The three types of cones are often, and somewhat misleadingly, equated with Maxwell's additive primaries of red, blue, and green.
A third possibility is that structural position and self-monitoring may have relatively independent, additive effects on performance in organizations.
These rates are greater than expected for additive or multiplicative effects of the single mutations.
It shows that the genetic variances and covariances contributed by the additive and dominance effects cannot be fully controlled in the model.
His fields of dots grew through a ruminative, additive process that is integral to their emotional tenor.
This result is opposite of what is expected if the fitness effects are additive or multiplicative.
The artistic palette of colors, on the other hand, includes additive colors which include red, green and blue.
There was no significant advantage to any screening policy, and the addition of more screening tests did not produce an additive effect.
Many problems in evolutionary biology involve evolution of traits controlled by multiple genes of approximately additive effect.