But apparently they must list the reported side effects to any of the active ingredients in the medicine.
Accounts of his death differ, but all agree that he was physically and mentally active to the end.
Some of those accounts are active , some are inactive.
Caroline is tired, lonely and depressed even as she leads a fake, but highly active , social life.
Isn't it great, how kids can amuse themselves with nothing more than a climbable tree and an active imagination?
Deception Island is a historically active volcano with the last eruptions about 30 years ago.
They are an active predator feeding mainly on whitefish such as whiting, codling and haddock, also small rays, flatfish, dogfish and even scallops and crabs.
Therefore, the reader's active mind will in a way determine his understanding of the novel.
Wouldn't the bank have tried to find one or the other of us if the account was still active ?
I once worked in the abuse department for a free web page hosting company that boasted over 1 million active accounts.